Arch Madness Seating chart

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Re: Arch Madness Seating chart

Postby Turner » March 2nd, 2011, 2:12 pm

Whoever designs this is positively dumb. Creighton sitting behind MSU, who they might play on Saturday. I get that they want the arena to look full on TV and they want to put the big schools on that side of the arena, but this sucks for CU.
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Re: Arch Madness Seating chart



Re: Arch Madness Seating chart

Postby Duan » March 2nd, 2011, 2:20 pm

That happened last year too when they played Bradley first round AND sat directly behind them....dumb! SPLIT THE SECTIONS ALL VERTICALLY! What could that hurt?
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Re: Arch Madness Seating chart

Postby TylerDurden » March 2nd, 2011, 2:41 pm

Turner wrote:Whoever designs this is positively dumb. Creighton sitting behind MSU, who they might play on Saturday. I get that they want the arena to look full on TV and they want to put the big schools on that side of the arena, but this sucks for CU.

You might want to consider when the seats have to be assigned before you start throwing out statements like that.

Those seating assignments have to be finished far before the seeds can be determined.
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Re: Arch Madness Seating chart

Postby Turner » March 2nd, 2011, 2:45 pm

My beef is more that there are 2 or 3 schools that sell significantly more tickets than the others. Heck, CU, WSU, and MSU have half an arena between the three of them. It would seem those schools should be rewarded with better seats. The fact that you have entire fan bases entirely behind other fans bases is dumb, no matter if they are playing or not. Each school should at least have one section adjoining courtside and it wouldn't be difficult to accommodate that.
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Re: Arch Madness Seating chart

Postby Duan » March 2nd, 2011, 2:59 pm

Turner wrote:The fact that you have entire fan bases entirely behind other fans bases is dumb, no matter if they are playing or not. Each school should at least have one section adjoining courtside and it wouldn't be difficult to accommodate that.

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Re: Arch Madness Seating chart

Postby cpacmel » March 2nd, 2011, 3:01 pm

The problem is you really only have seating from the free throw line back (wrapped behind the baskets). It isn't easy to stuff 10 schools in those sections without totally screwing over a fanbase by only giving them seats that are behind the baskets.

From free throw line to free throw line --- those tickets go to vendors and people who advertise with the MVC.
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Re: Arch Madness Seating chart

Postby blueblood » March 2nd, 2011, 3:07 pm

Drake? Whats up with all courtside seating?
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Re: Arch Madness Seating chart

Postby Duan » March 2nd, 2011, 3:13 pm

If seating really does rotate, then Drake should not have courtside for awhile. Creighton, SIU, Illinois State, and Evansville are due....
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Re: Arch Madness Seating chart

Postby AndShock » March 2nd, 2011, 3:31 pm

Funny that Wichita State gets an entire corner all to ourselves. I kind of wish we had a school next to us, just because it's usually more fun that way.
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Re: Arch Madness Seating chart

Postby Jays26 » March 2nd, 2011, 3:37 pm

AndShock wrote:Funny that Wichita State gets an entire corner all to ourselves. I kind of wish we had a school next to us, just because it's usually more fun that way.

Must be another one of those "hidden meanings" behind that decission. :o
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